Thursday 21 May 2015

Ugly Beauty

“You’re stunning.” He said, as though he was stating a fact.

“STUPEFY!” She screamed, as though holding out an imaginary wand. “Now I’m stunning you.” She added with a wink.

He rolled his eyes as they proceeded to the candy floss and popcorn vendor.  

People react to compliments in tons of ways. Admittedly, there’s a big section of people who strive for them, but a percentage of people aren’t comfortable accepting or rejecting them. Rejecting them is downright rude and acceptance may make them seem conceited. So they find ways to deflect the compliment instead, just like this girl did.

Another reason for deflecting compliments is not believing in them yourself.

Anne Hathaway. Deepika Padukone. Robert Pattinson. Emma Watson. David Beckhem.

Don’t think about all these celebrities when someone says you’re looking great. Grace compliments with a smile and a thank you. Don’t give one in return. Don’t make it a formality. Give one back when you truly mean it, because that’s when it’ll make an impact, or give one if you were going to pay them one anyway.

I don’t blame the people who think they aren’t worthy enough. The people like those mentioned above make it hard for people to accept they’re beautiful on the outside. But the irony when it comes to beauty is that it’s ugly.

We all aren’t lucky enough to wake up looking like a goddess. We don’t have our face in proportion with the golden ratio. Getting the perfect body is just a dream.

But forget about math. Forget about the golden ratio that decides how beautiful you look like. Stop not believing in yourself. You really are beautiful. Because beauty isn’t only about physical appearance. It’s about confidence and charm. It’s about witty replies and in the way you walk, along with the style you talk. Your kindness makes you pretty. Your loyalty and honesty makes you stand out. Your want to do good for others makes you striking. There is beauty in happiness and strength. There’s this thing about determination and intelligence that attracts people.

And that’s where beauty becomes a bit ugly and unfair. It resides inside some people, and serves as a coat for others. Only a few people get their share of both. And those who don’t have the coat are instantly put down by a large part of society because people don’t know how to look at the world.

You remember how Disney movies make the princess look so pretty and the witch look like the most disgusting person ever? That’s because they’re making the people good at heart beautiful. And that’s how we must start looking at people.

Make life a Disney movie. Start looking at people for what they are on the inside. And turn yourself into the prince or the princess if you aren’t one already!

Thanks for reading!
Kanksha :D