Tuesday 31 January 2017

Thirty-One Days

I’m in a very weird place right now mentally.
Just so busy, I don’t know what’s going on.
Life be so happening, all I do is move on and on.

Been out of home more than I’m in.
Don’t know where thirty-one days of 2017 went.
But know very well how much they all meant.

Fell for silence and enjoyed my own company.
Met new people, tons of them that too.
Did things that I thought I’d never do.

Music is my best friend, only trumped by books.
The Internet is suddenly so much more resourceful.
And I think fresh flowers are so underrated and cool.

The world is a good place, kindness is everywhere,
So is darkness but there’s much more light.
Guests keep inviting themselves over, all day, all night.

I think the way one dresses reflects a lot about a person.
Especially the shoes one wears?
I’m loving the feel of really short hair.

I’m in a very weird place right now mentally.
So much work, yet I don’t know what’s going on.
Life be so good to me, and I move on and on.

Weird rhyme scheme and it probably doesn't make much sense to you either, so sorry about that.
I'm on a writing spree today.
I think this is it, though.
Laters everyone.
Much love.
Keep reading.

Kanksha <3

Saturday 28 January 2017

I don't like regression

Waking up on Saturday mornings to listen to what the coefficient of regression is makes me want to cry. It isn't the waking up bit, unlike what most people would assume. The regression part, and copying things into a notebook kind of puts me off.

Regression is something related to statistics, that's all I've understood so far honestly. I guess that's all there is to understand as well because I can't for my life figure out how any of this will help me in my life. But ma will be disappointed reading me thinking about how a lot of what I learn won't help me so I'll give that part of me a rest. Nothing you learn is ever useless, people ~ words of wisdom from ma.

Regression also means going back to a former or less developed state. It's like making this delicacy go back to its state of khari biscuit and sweet cream individually. Or two lovers going back to being strangers. Or even the USA.....

It really tasted like biscuit+cream. :"""(
But it's a different day today, it's Tuesday. And Tuesdays are terrible, even more than Mondays or working Saturdays because I have college from 9:30am to 5:30pm.

A really nice thing happened to me today though, I met a friend from the past. Completely unexpected and by chance since neither of us would have caught that train under normal circumstances. I secretly believe I met him because he can help me out with some technical work that I've been trying to figure out since a while. (If you're reading this, do know I'm just kidding)

But really, isn't it funny how you meet random people at times? I refuse to believe it's a conincidence. There has to be some force that makes you do what you do, that makes you go against your schedule and make things happen. I think certain things in life are planned and there's nothing you can do to avoid them.

And as exciting as that thought is, it saddens me too because I have a lot more lectures on regression and correlation coming up and there's nothing I can do to avoid them

Stay tuned for more of my thoughts, hopefully I'll put stuff up more often <3