Wednesday 9 August 2023

messing up is good, learning from it helps you grow

I'm really working on changing my mindset to one that priorities learning, turns a blind eye to judgement, and strives to get better each day. The goal needs to be to get progressively better, not to be the best. You are not going to know everything all the time, but alongwith people, together you will figure it out. 

We have teams for a reason. Communities for a reason. We learn from each other. We learn from our experiences. We learn from other's experiences. I've heard a lot of the stuff I am writing here today, but it makes so much more sense right now. 

I feel like I couldn't get things right at work consistently lately. But these things I didn't get right today - I will be able to do them better the next time. I felt like I should have been able to figure some things out, things that someone else with more experience managed to figure out after me. Instead of feeling like crap, my friend reminded me that I'm a part of a team, I need to give experience the respect it deserves, sit with the person and understand what I missed, and shift my thinking from self pity to celebrating a win for the team and continuous learning. 

I was feeling really upset with myself for having to iterate so many times on some of my work. But I spoke to someone I look up to today, and was reminded how ideally, when you mess things up, a mentor's role is to help you learn, and keep giving you opportunities to apply those learnings. And that really has happened to me all my life. I have messed up. But I have not stopped getting opportunities to be better. So I am grateful for that. 

It's funny though. When I was getting things right at work, it had kind of felt like I had stopped learning a lot. The learning curve has suddenly increased again lately, which is really exciting... and I can't wait to conquer this mountain (which is also only preparing me to summit another one after) 😊

Thank you to everyone who gave me perspective. It was much needed, and it is much appreciated!!
