Thursday 6 October 2016

Running Awayy

All the 5k people. People ran 10 and 15 as well!
I went to Aamby Valley for a run recently, courtesy Nike, and it was absolutely stunning. The place was gorgeous full of hues of green and fresh air, so were all the people and pacers.

Starting from the interesting bus ride where the pacers shared their story, to the warm welcome with dhols and warm up where we got tired even before the run, the run itself, followed by the cool down session, it was a great experience.

I just couldn't get over the view and it got over all too fast (except the part when we went uphill of course).
The cool down session. Don't we all look good?
It was highly inspiring, we realised the effort people put to just go out and run. They talked about a mom who wakes up before her kids do and run to start the day. They talked about how running has changed their lives. And after running with all those people, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to do this more often too. 

Now running is something a lot of people say they can't do.

But we all run.

We run away from our homework, deadlines and examinations. We run away from relationships, we run from commitment. We keep running and running till our last breath.
     Look at the lake and look at the mountain   

I know I've talked about working out before and how you must begin. Well, do that and run

Actually, physically run.

Trust me, the energy and positivity after a run is incomparable. I don't think anything can mess up my mood half as easily as it'd have got messed up otherwise. Also the tint on your cheeks won't go unnoticed. 

Don't think too much. If you keep thinking, it's probably never going to happen. If waking up is problem, you're making excuses. I know someone who puts an alarm on his amplifier to wake up. On the other hand, if not being able to run is the issue, you're not trying hard enough. Find a group to run with. The pacers will motivate you. A friend could also do the same job.

So get out of your bed. 
Put on your shoes.
And just do it.

Keep running and keep reading!
Kanksha :)

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Is media really the voice?

The internet is a wonderful place. There's almost nothing you don't get out there (apart from the feeling of community and fresh air but let's ignore that for now.)

Social media is even better. It let's you stay connected with people you've met for a day, is a platform to share envy worthy photographs and make the rest of the world want your life - often when you yourself want someone else's, but more importantly, it let's you express your own opinion and get majorly influenced by others'.

These days, you find open letters about everything to everyone. Open letters to stop war, open letters to begin war. Open letters by so-called feminists talking about how women are oppressed completely forgetting about equality, open letters to Bollywood big shots to incubate a wave of change because they're influential.

It's ridiculous, really.

The internet exaggerates every issue, big or small. Most people don't think. They just talk about and support whatever they read first. It's understood that art should be supported irrespective of nationality. But it should also be understood that our soldiers were killed and those very artists inhabitant in our country, refused to acknowledge that what happened was wrong. When you live in a country, it doesn't matter against whom it's fighting, or whether you want peace either. You need to be grateful.

I won't talk about much more.

Just don't believe in everything you read or hear. There are so many opinionated people and it's scary because they refuse to even consider their being wrong. You've got tons of people talking about peace, but a lot of people aggressively talking about how we need to take revenge as well.

Don't trust all that you see either. Sometimes social media becomes a nuisance. I recall looking at pictures of so many people having fun, candids (fake ones *cough cough*) and longing for the same, only to realise that when I now have a chance, it doesn't really matter half as much.

Quite funny life is.