Friday 7 August 2020

what is your gift

The prompt for today is to meditate and journal for a total of 15 min BEFORE you get on your phone in the morning. The journal topic is: what is your gift. 

How do you interpret that? Take a few moments to think about this before you read mine.

As kids, when a character of a book had a gift, that meant that something terrifying yet equally amazing was going to happen in their life. The minute they realised that they have a gift, their life would change, and multiple occasions of using their gift would come to light. They would have a gift because one of their parent was a greek god, or a dragon rider, or they just happened to have cool powers. Basically, I've grown up with the thought that gifts are magical. 

The first thing that came to my mind though, was to think of something that I can do that no one else can... I came up with nothing. So that was saddening. That was followed by an attempt of thinking of what I can do better than everyone else... I still could not think of anything. 

So I started thinking more in the direction of what I enjoy. I thought about what comes naturally to me. What is a mystery that I will never solve, but something I will continue to solve for the rest of my life with intrigue and joy? And for me, the answer was people. 

I think my gift would be the ability to care deeply and have the willingness to understand. I'm motivated. I try to make the most out of situations and strive to have a positive outlook in life. That's because my goal is to be at peace and happy. In its own way, I think this gift is magical too. 

I guarantee, so is yours. 

Much love.

P.S. This is Day 2 of Chelsea Yamase's 21 day positivity challenge. 

Wednesday 5 August 2020

a list of 20 things that bring joy and add value to my life

Life isn't exactly how any of us had pictured it to be,
Some of us are away from friends and family.
Maybe you are looking for a job,
Maybe you are lucky and haven't been that affected at all.
Perhaps you are sad... or moody.
Perhaps this time alone at home has led to self discovery.

I don't know what you are feeling right now. I do know that I wanted to feel more energetic and like myself though. So I decided to do Chelsea Yamase's 21 day positivity challenge - I love each day's tasks. You can look for her on Instagram, and you can also follow me along as I do them everyday. :)

Day 1's challenge was to make a list of 20 things that bring joy and add value to my life.

I'd really encourage you to take a moment and do it yourself, before reading mine.

But here it is:
  1. My family
  2. Dost and friends
  3. Music - both playing and listening
  4. Cooking good food
  5. Making dessert (and eating it :P)
  6. Taking photos, capturing moments
  7. Being in nature
  8. Helping people
  9. Grocery shopping - any shopping really
  10. Playing games
  11. Watching stars, the ocean, grass
  12. Writing code that works
  13. Looking pretty and trying new hairstyles
  14. Vacationing and travelling
  15. Working
  16. Organising and cleaning
  17. Decorating
  18. Writing
  19. Reading
  20. Understanding people
  21. Exercising
  22. Clarity, knowing what I want
It's sweet when you realise that there are so many of those things - I wanted to keep going beyond 20 and I did. I know there are even more. <3
