Thursday 27 February 2014

Getting back on track.

I think I spent a week of February doing absolutely nothing.  Unless you count lying on my bed, down with infection on my tonsils unable to speak, so that I had fairly enough time to ruminate on what I want to do in life. Falling ill gave me the chance to think clearly – a task already overdue.

But before that dismal week of mere reflection, I was consumed by boredom. The air of despondency was chaffing me. I didn’t feel like doing anything. The things I loved to do suddenly became dull. Playing tunes on the keyboard became laborious, going for a run began to require an incentive and writing transformed into an obligation. Studying with concentration was out of the question. After all, how can you study well if you aren’t happy? If there is nothing in store for you after you’re done with a good day’s work, why would you finish the work in the first place? Also, all fun and no work creates boredom too. I was lost and a mess for that week. Many people I know are going through the same thing. I think this is when we’re confused the most, when we give up the fastest and feel low too. But this is also probably the (only) time you can knock yourself out and slog away.

So how do you get out of this boredom? You’re not always going to get a week to reflect on what you’ve been doing while staring at the ceiling counting the minutes go by. :P I think it’s about having a routine, and monitoring what you do every day. Small things like reaching college on time help too! Also, counting how much you don't/do study in the whole day makes you realise that all the time you were studying was more of procrastination and less of work. My mom took hold of the reins of my life since all of this happened, and needless to say, I got a bit mad. Since a few years, I’ve always got the freedom to do as I pleased. That’s why being asked questions of what I’m doing every six hours isn’t really nice, but for now, I guess it’s alright.

Many people I know have given up everything. One person literally lets his mother control his life, as he believes he’ll mess up everything if he has the freedom to do as he likes…  Another girl I’ve talked to has no specific past time except talking to her parents and brother along with walking in her house! So many people spend the day in college, afternoon sleeping and evening and night studying away. I still haven’t figured out whether it’s advisable to give up everything or maintain a balance. But the sacrificers do well – that’s what I noticed.

Currently, I’d say I’m having a balance. I think it's working for me too. I’ve got my mother to make sure I study and my friends to make sure I won’t overdo it. My cousins are there to bestow new puns on me every day and I’ve got a trinity exam of Speech and Drama where my teacher asked five of us to come up with a dance (Me dancing is an achievement. Those who know me would know this.) All in all, life’s good. How about you?

“From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give

In the circle of life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life” – The Lion King

Kanksha :)
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Hey friend! Will you be my "Valentine"?

Hey guys! One again, it’s been quite long. I’ve just been so busy studying and trying to figure out the purpose of life, that writing a post just skipped my mind! No, I’m kidding. I just didn’t know what to write about…until now.

Lately, I’ve come to the conclusion that relationships these days, especially among teens, tend to be the most hilarious ones ever. (No offense to those high school sweethearts who are married right now!)  The first time someone asked one of my friends out was way back in eighth grade. Regardless of the fact that she didn’t know him well, she said yes. Now comes the funny bit.  After that they didn’t say a word to each other for a week, and when they did happen to cross paths, the first thing they said was, “We should break up.” In her second relationship, the guy stopped talking to her after a week, and when she asked why, he told her “Because my best friend likes you. And I chose my friendship over the relationship. So I’m sorry.” *that stupid bro code* And then she broke up with him. It’s priceless (though extremely sad) that the legacy continues even now.

Another funny thing is how I’ve heard stories from many people about how they wish they were dating just because Valentine’s Day is coming up. It’s like the prospect of staying single leaves them down in the dumps with the Isle of Gloom hovering above their face. And that is ludicrous.  What’s the point of dating just for the heck of it? Just so that you can tell people you spent that day with a “special someone” who actually isn’t quite so special?  Can a human being not have fun without the company of someone of the opposite gender? Definitely they can.

So boys and girls, here are a few things you people can/must do if you are single. You've got ten days to go to plan something "epic". Probably you could stalk your friends when they are on a date and go up to them the next day with a purple ball, which can apparently tell people about the past (instead of the future!) and surprise them with what all you can see inside it about yesterday! Or you could sing sounds at the top of your voice while you are painting your room or the inside of your cupboards. Maybe melting wax crayons and making them stick on top of your paint could create an awesome effect too! You could call a group of friends over, watch a movie and act out your favourite scene with terrible accents and get someone to record it…, play hide and seek in the mall while making sure you don’t get thrown out (That’s my friend’s idea. I think we’ll try it someday) or sit back and relax watching YouTube’s funniest videos. You could do anything actually. Like go on a shopping spree in the morning and play outdoors through dinner time.

So this Valentine’s Day let’s all welcome the status of being single with a huge hug and broad smile on our face. Valentine’s Day is about love. And as Dr. Seuss says, “We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find somebody whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” If you don’t have your weird crazy partner yet, wait for the right time. And enjoy every moment till you find him/her!

Single and proud,

Kanksha :)

Hope you guys liked it! Feel free to comment or share! I'd love to know what you're planning. :D
And my dad said that it sounds like I'm preaching. Does it? :/