Sunday 25 August 2013

Overcoming danger and trying to make women safer.

Safety. It's a word that has been rendered meaningless these days. In fact, 'safety of women' is now close to becoming an oxymoron! With rape cases being flung around as if they are a usual occurrence, one tends to question herself what this world is coming up to.
One day, a girl is raped in a bus at Delhi. People protest. The police promise to be more vigilant. But a few months later, a photographer journalist is raped in Mumbai. Wasn't Mumbai the city that never slept?

You can't change the minds of those men, even in a millennium. It's way easier to bring about a few minor changes in ourselves! One thing I feel all girls and women simply MUST do is dress appropriately. One cannot roam around in a pair of shorts and a tank top in the dead of the night on a deserted street and expect nothing to happen, just like you can't go all dressed up on a street where vegetable vendors and 'bhangar walas' govern the area and not expect heads to turn. Not in India at least. Many teenagers go for late night parties, looking all 'hot and sexy'. There ain't any problem with that! But as a cautionary measure, one could wear jeans while going back home! (I had seen one of my friend doing this and thought is was quite a brilliant and sensible thing to do!)

Another thing is curfew. It's quite a harsh word to use when your own parents set it, I know, but this practice has been going on since ages. Our ancestors weren't fools either. They knew what they were doing. Really early morning and late night's are the most dangerous parts of the day. Most of us say nothing's going to happen - but it doesn't even happen to everyone either! This curfew is just a small restriction you have for your safety - it is always better to be safe than sorry. No one can predict the future!

Lastly but not the least - self defense. It hurts me to say it but it is an established fact that men are stronger than women. So what women can't make up in strength, they must make up in technique and speed. I highly doubt skilled assassins are assigned for rape cases. Most of the attackers (I think) are a group of really strong, violent and inhuman people. Trying to fight four people at a time is ludicrous. That's why you must hit and sprint. Hit the person and run away to a crowded place, to a place where humans exist. But again, to overcome those four people somehow, you must be able to hit, and that is where self defense comes into the picture. Instead of teaching the whole art, as most of us don't even have that kind of time, I feel all these classes should set up special classes for women and children where they teach them how to defend themselves in an attack.

All my speeches and articles in school about something preposterous going on, like corruption for example, would end on the note that the government must take suitable measures. Here, I'm asking you to take them so the odds of this 'dreadful massacre' happening to you become (next to) null!

Kanksha :)

PS: If you are man/boy reading this, I guess you could forward the message or ask the female population in your house to take a look! ;)

Sunday 11 August 2013

Teenage Drama.

Watched a cliche movie? Heard a Taylor Swift song or One Directions' latest hit? (Nothing against them!) If you did, its sure to be describing teenage drama with a unique level of detail. Till a few days ago, I thought all of that was utter crap. Heck, I would have even passionately argued about how all of that was simply an exaggeration of a slightly 'one of a kind' life that only a handful people have.

But that is until last week happened. In short, let me say it was a smaller version of a Bolly/Hollywood movie. It was a mixture of dates and liplocks, trust and betrayals....a whole lot if pretending and dishonesty. It was a week of secrets. Secrets that are yet to be revealed. Now,my friends, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if you don't believe me, but take my word for it. (It's pretty obvious I wouldn't reveal the identity of the person..but I guess I could assure you of the fact that its not me :P)

The point of writing this is to reduce unnecessary tears. It is to elimate a major distraction in most teenagers these days. To ask them to have some patience and wait so that they know the difference between a crush and 'true love'. (I really want to crack a lame joke to reduce the tension, but seeing that there isn't any string, I'm still wondering from where the tension came from!!)

If I be blunt, I'm asking you to wait until you know that guy/girl. I'm asking you to not be blinded by fake promises.  In short, keep your eyes open and remain practical occasionally - it will help you keep a safe distance from the darker side of the world.

Kanksha :)

I was wondering...did it become too much? Does it seem like I'm preaching? 'Cause that sure wasn't my aim!

Friday 2 August 2013

Is it your calling?

If I said I’ve been busy, it would be the understatement of the year. Well, not exactly. But caught up in the whirlwind of Motion, Gas and Co-ordinate Geometry, snatching a couple of hours for myself is becoming increasingly difficult.

We’ve always visualized colleges like planets – places that exist but no one goes to. The only reason for which a person ever decides to hop in there is curiosity. (The difference is, everyone wants to visit a planet and college isn’t as interesting…but let’s ignores that for now!) For me though, my college and coaching classes are in the same building, so it doesn’t make much of a difference. Hence I may be one of those rare people who will get the honour of retelling stories. Maybe it may be of the one in which a few boys broke the whiteboard’s support and put slates behind it so that they would fall off when the professor went to wipe it, or it could be the one in which we might have decided to hide the duster. Maybe, we may even play around with chemicals, sneak them out, and try a few super cool reactions. (I’m not telling you we did this. These may be some potential ideas though! :P)

Apart from these gimmicks and occasional wisecracks, college/coaching isn’t something one would look forward to unless you really like the subject. So why are thousands of people subjecting themselves to six hours of mental exhaustion? Why are such a large number of people preparing for complicated exams when clearly, something else is their calling?

I guess this is exactly what my Physics professor was thinking about when he asked my batch (consisting of around sixty people) a question. A simple question of why we all want to get into The Indian Institute of Technology, better known as IIT.

Some said it was because of competition, others said because it was a challenge. A few mentioned that it is a ‘brand’ (due to lack of a better word). Nobody said it was because science fascinated them or because they wanted to discover the unknown and do research, in which case the best and most renowned university you can get into is IIT.  

It’s funny. While trying to crack the JJE Entrance exam, whether you mange to crack it or not is questionable, but you will surely end up cracking yourselves! IIT isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. For a few it is, but for the rest it turns into a waste of coffee.

What I’m trying to say is something millions of people have already said. I’m asking everyone to do what they like. If you are my age, these two years, the eleventh and twelfth could make and break your life. But in the end, it’s our decision.

Kanksha J