Friday 12 December 2014



For all those who don't know, I've capitalized the names of songs and albums by two artists/bands. Your task is figuring out whom I'm talking about. Hope you have as much fun guessing as I did writing! Comment your answer in the box below or on my facebook page! :D

A Sky Full of Stars,
Fluttering Whispers in the Dark;
Everything looks beautiful,
Until the sun sends out some Sparks.

That’s when we see garbage disguised as sidewalks,
A red carpet bestowed by tobacco on the road,
Dog poop splattered around like rocks,
By the same people who have enormous wardrobes.

We’re Falling Inside the Black,
Even though we live a Life in Technicolour.
Instead of being the Saviour..
We’re being a Monster to nature.

The Hardest Part is to stop blaming people
And Rise all together, as one, too.
We have to tend to her Open Wounds,
Earth, it’s time to Fix You.

This one is pretty easy. It's pop, so most of you should be able to guess it I'm assuming!

On the other hand, a very interesting thing happened a couple of months ago. I was on the way to meet Aditi when the taxi stopped at a rather long signal. Someone from a couple of taxis ahead of me towards the left threw some garbage on the road. That caught my attention. On most occasions, no one really cares. But this is when something completely unexpected happened. A man in a car behind them got out, picked up the garbage and threw it back inside the taxi. Normally, the roads of Bombay are full of noise. But for a few seconds, it seemed as though everyone around became quiet. We silently watched him mutter a couple of words angrily and slam the door of his car, annoyed. But in those few moments, he had earned everyone's respect.

I think what he did was wonderful. If we all do this once in a while, it could make such a big difference! Not only will the person who threw trash will realise it's wrong, but whoever sees it will as well.

Also, today was also Day Three of a mission my Aunt had begun. It involved cleaning, whitewashing and redecorating a footpath. This feat was achieved only due to the combined effort of the BMC, Local Cooperator, Residents, School and Media – it’s a perfect example to show us how much we can actually achieve if we work together! For more information click here

Let's all try and make a difference. 
Be the cause of the change.

Kanksha :)

Thanks for reading!
(Last times answers are Led Zeppelin and Guns N' Roses!)

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