Thursday 29 January 2015

Living Moments

It's been really long since I posted. Obama came to India, I learned how to curl and straighten hair and I finished around 20,000 words of a book I'm attempting to write only to realise that I'll have to start all over again. But there's a reason behind why I decided to post something.

I had an epiphany today. And that was about how I've never had an epiphany before this, which was a life changing thought, because that explains exactly why I've never got a feeling that my life has undergone a drastic transformation. Or maybe I'm just trying to shift the blame for my not-so-exciting-at-the-moment life, from mental inertia to my inability to have an epiphany. But again, you can't bring yourself to have one whenever you want.

What exactly do you mean by an epiphany though, you ask?  A magical revelation that puts the puzzle pieces together, epiphanies are miraculous thoughts. An epiphany, I think, is a moment. It's a moment which makes the world stand still as it fleets away in its own glory. It's when you make a revelation which affects you at am intellectual and/or emotional level.

Our life is made up of so many moments. Think back to all the cherished memories you have. What are they? Technically, they're nothing but electric currents making their way through the nerves in your head. They're electric currents that conjure up images, one after another, enabling you to visualize moments taken place in the near and far present. The same electric currents also allow you to create visions of future moments that may never happen. I love how we live moments that have taken place and may never take place as well.

What's actually sad about moments is that probably we don't always live it when it is taking place. Human beings think all the time. The thinking process never stops. Like right now, while typing this, I'm simultaneously thinking about the next paragraph and whether this post is going to get those gears inside people's heads moving. When I do well in an exam, I'm thinking about how I could do better, or wondering what had made me slack the previous time. I've got four months of studying on my list, but instead of focusing on them, I'm too busy dreaming about the supposedly exciting aftermath. It's like dreaming about dessert while you've got the main course in front of you. Fruitless, as you don't get dessert till you finish your maincourse anyway.

That is where most of us go wrong. We don't live in the moment. We're stuck either in the past or the future, thinking up possibilities. Possibilities that won't happen unless you focus on the present in the first place.

Get over the transience of moments and start being a part of them completely!

Thanks for reading!
Kanksha :)
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