Friday 9 February 2024

stayed the same

Being in the same place at a different time of my life has been an interesting experience for me. As I take the train, I find myself remembering the same music I used to listen to. I plugged in the charger in my room at night, and found myself standing against the bookshelf remembering all the times I've texted people from there at midnight when my battery was about to drain out. I sat on the step in my room, because the bed with the back rest is too far to connect to the wifi, and smiled to myself at how some things just don't change. 

Yet so many things do. My sister isn't at home anymore and I have seen her twice in the 15 days I have been here so far, and I hopefully will see her at least two more times. I sleep in my grandmom's room without my grandmom, so now it's technically my room, but it feels weird, and my own old room is still the only one that feels like mine. I don't know where stuff is kept in the house anymore. 

There is construction on the road, and so much dust because of it. Friends are actually getting married. Yet besides the weddings, things aren't really the same. Parents are growing older. I have dentist visits and doctor visits that are a priority - signs of me growing older too. 

Everyone and everything is growing and changing. 

And in this constant change, I feel grateful for the little things that have stayed the same - healthy and yummy food ready everyday, reminders to invest my money, a passion for wearing good clothes. And grateful for the people with whom relationships have stayed the same. They make me feel grounded and provide a sense of comfort and home that nothing else can ♥


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