Thursday, 4 April 2013


MEMORIES. A word that reminds us of the nostalgia felt by an old man recollecting his youthful days, a collage go-er smiling about her school days, someone recounting the wondrous adventures of a trip or any happy or sad incidences one has encountered and has an emotional attachment to.
Here's a poem dedicated to all the sweet memories we wish to keep for a lifetime.

Memories are made- Fun ones, happy ones,
Dumb ones, crazy ones, stupid ones, whacky ones.

You treasure them, you want them to stay.
To make them last for eternity, you pray.

But outrageous fortune ensures you separate..

Overcoming it might be a task,
In grief and sorrow, you may bask.

From those memories, you seem to depart
But remember, true memories are inked on the heart!

By the way, I had written this poem after losing my mobile phone, funny eh?

Aditi. :)

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