Saturday 26 October 2013

Are you really social?

When I thought Instagram was the new Facebook, Whatsapp had its genesis in this technological world.  Suddenly, I see people posting 'Android BBM' pins. Mind you, Android BlackBerry Messenger. (I bet all BlackBerry users are banging their heads right now!) Tumblr, Twitter, VChat; The list goes on and on. And how can I forget the infamous Confession pages?

My dear friend 'M-alley' (as I will call her from now onwards) is meticulously unwinding the thread of time on her phone whenever she is free (which she is almost always, but that isn't the point.) Why talk about her when I can talk about myself though? These days I check my facebook notifications the very minute I come back home. For a large amount of people, even trying to imagine a life without social networking sights and gizmos is next to impossible.

The reaction people give me when I tell them I'm not on whatsapp is most often hilarious. It's as if people don't know what to do anymore. If they aren't studying, they are sending text messages with both hands in a manner difficult to understand, and if not that, they are practicing the art of procrastination. It's a fact that the amount of time people stay outdoors to simply play and have fun has decreased, just like the number of times one meets his family has. In this time constraint, things are becoming more and more paradoxical. Like one feels texting, for example, helps you keep in touch. But one simple phone call means so much more! According to me, if you really want to talk to that person, you will call instead of texting. I remember a (kind of) movie I had watched in which they were explaining how happiness actually means more grief. Give me a chance to explain. Three people exist in this world playing the game of life. The amount they work is the same, the longing of a new house is the same. The first person shifts from slums to a small chawl, the second person from a chawl to a flat, the third from a flat to a bungalow. It's not technically possible to calculate but its pretty obvious that the level of happiness all of them feel is the same. Let's look at another situation. A small ragamuffin like boy wins a lottery of 10,000. An actor won the same lottery as well. Now who is happier?
This shows you that the degree of happiness you feel could be measured by how much pain you went through before to achieve it. It's like looking for treasure. Who likes easy treasure hunts? An enthralling, mind-boggling hunt with a bunch of cool riddles sounds much more fun to me!

And as usual, I digress. I started with social networking sights and ended with a treasure hunt. That's a new record for me as well. Anyways, I doubt popularity and attention will keep you 'happy'! :P After all, after a period of time, you get bored of it. I think its smaller things that matter much more. Like going out for a jog or playing a game of football that gets your adreneline pumping. The moment when you win an argument against your best friend (which often tend to be never ending!), the feeling of satisfaction when you run for a bus when you're running late and manage to catch it and the fun in cracking a joke and seeing a smile slip onto someone's face. It may also be a thirty second dance party (Tree - sit, my other friend has these whenever she is bored! xD I think its a nice idea to drive boredom over the fence as fast as possible!)
Or what I feel after finishing a blog post and reading the comments! :D

Personally, I feel these networking sights have metamorphed into the devil in disguise. Over the period of time, they are creating walls instead of ripping and breaking them down.. I'm aware that I'm generalizing and many people might be benefiting from them as well. But look back and give it a thought. Out of all those friends you have (on Facebook let's say), how many do you actually talk to face to face?

Kanksha :)

I remembered this song we used to sing in class and have been humming it all day since I started thinking about happiness. Here it is!

"Happiness is where you are and what you want to be,
If you look you're sure to find the rainbow of your dreams,
Tomorrows faller than a thousand yesterdays,
With a vision of a new day in our heart!"

PS. Doesn't the jelly look delicious? My sister had made it! xD

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