Tuesday 10 December 2013

Just do it!

Something really creepy happened to me three days ago. It was night, and I was sleeping, as most non-nocturnal creatures do when I suddenly woke up because of a crash. Jumping up to my feet, I went to the window to assess the damage. Except for the car, everyone was safe. It then dawned on me that I had just, co-incidentally, uttered the words car crash in my dream. Thinking about it, I fell asleep. The next morning, that was all I could remember (as I told my mom about the co-incidence). I had no clue what my dream was about, I just remembered that the car crash was deafening and the whole situation had been freaky.

^I didn't really know how to say that. It's just so unbelievable. I just had to be uttering "car crash" in my dream at 1:19 in the morning, didn't I? 

So before I start talking about co-incidences and how the concept of co-incidence is really weird and sometimes even sinister, I think I should move on to happy stuff. 
Breaking news: Aditi finally put on her resurrection wings and wrote a post! Yes Aditi, I'm evil. But I held on to my promise of not sharing your post, so please don't be mad? 

And if you have read her post, I repeat her question. Who are you? Do you do what you do for yourself? Or is it for others? Loads of people think about what other people think of them. They are afraid of being judged, insecure and underrate themselves. It's good to care for people. Caring about what they think just may not be in your best interests! How does it even matter if someone thinks you are crazy for laughing like a maniac, or dancing like there is no end? It's perfectly okay if a boy wants to learn how to cook. No one will hold anything against you if you talk to the "loner" of your class. There isn't any point of trying to uphold a reputation either for the sake of it as it is holding you back from being yourself.

My sister just came back from camp this weekend. She was ecstatic. Is it sad that I was never so happy after I came back from camps? Maybe because I never really opened up to the people I roomed up with, maybe because I was too scared to be free and have fun. My friends would switch on the music channels and dance away while I would just sit and watch them. 

So, like Nike says, Just Do It. Don't think of others. Live your dreams; do what you want. Try to stop judging people too, as I've mentioned before. The same person could be amazing from the inside.

I think I'll give the preacher side of me a break now. Maybe I'll come up with a literary masterpiece the next time! :P 

P(r)eachy as always,
Kanksha ;)

A question though. Is there something that you think I could/should write about? If you have any ideas, you could comment or email them at hilariouslyuseless@gmail.com And thanks for reading! 

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