Saturday 28 December 2013


Shady mornings,
People running on the road like stars in the sky,
Cold wind breezing away, sometimes gruesome sights meet my eye.
A dead rat, heartless crows; garbage in heaps greeting my nose.
But then I see two small kids using a railing as a slide, a cross-necklace trying to hide
Which makes me feel, things are balanced. It’s quite alright.
Eventually, the initial still fades away, the time bomb is dropped.
Before you know it, here comes a cop to control the quotidian traffic,
Buses challenge each other, bustling crowds are engrossed in themselves and don’t bother.
But conversations are interesting, listening is an art
If you listen carefully, you may even see broken hearts </3
Gang members threatening their cult, a married couple having a brawl,
Perhaps even a group of friends arguing “Who did the last foul!”
A loving sister, a ‘samosa’ vendor, the President of India passing by in his entire splendor!
The world moves on though, taking large strides,
Dangerously playing politics and making laws which take the human population for a ride..
Inventing new things, planning to traverse Desert Mars,
When we haven’t even explored our own planet completely so far.
But for me, it’s soon night; I’m moving at my own pace,
Watching cars and the noise dissolve into nothingness!
Just like this time elapses, months melt away,
And Lo Behold! The twelfth ice cube is almost gone from your sorbet >:O
So while I dream on, make outlandish mistakes and get back to my humdrum of a life,
Never drink Pepsi, Thumbs Up or Sprite.
Alcohol is simply out of the question,
Just party hard, have a jam session,
Try and avoid indigestion, also remember the sum of harmonic progression.
Hopefully, once again, we won’t face recession.
Enough speculations, Farewell now.
The ending was a bit random, but that’s how I wanted it to be, I guess. *_^
We all live in our own small world in this big sphere we call our planet. Sometimes, time flies by, and you realize that all these years, you have been restricted to that small space itself. Like today, I am (in a way) restricted up to college, yesterday I knew only of school. So in the future, I guess I want to be the one who flies with time.


Kanksha :)
Thanks for reading!

(Two last things. Firstly, I know everyone will drink whatever they want to on the 31st. I just felt like adding that bit. And then again, I am aware that there is no sum of harmonic progression, before someone begins correcting me.)

It was actually tiny, smaller than my fist!

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