Monday 9 December 2013

Who Am I?

Don't we all love talking about others? Isn't it fun to discuss other people? By discuss, I don't mean criticize or backbite, I simply mean talking about who's how, who's nice, and who's not. But when it actually comes to knowing and analyzing ourself, how good are we at that? For me, answering questions about myself, about my likes and interests, are the most difficult! :P (No, seriously.)

We often point out to how good (or bad :P ) one is at a sport, music, studying, painting, acting, cooking or any other activity. We would also know our own stand in such activities. But do we judge ourself correctly? Do we know where our potential and interest lies? And whether it matches with our personality?

A lot of us our undecided, even after 15 or 16 years of age, as to which career option to choose. This is primarily because we do not know what interests us. "No one knows you better than you know yourself." How much truth does this statement hold?

What I'm trying to say, is that (atleast during teenage), the problem a lot of us face is that we do not know what makes us happy. We lack interest and motivation. One doesn't know what to do in life! I'm not saying this is the case with everyone. Some have clear and defined goals and are working hard to achieve them. But...  the others?

Life is too short. Half our life can't be wasted in knowing and figuring out ourselves. It may be hypocritical of me, but one needs a defined goal in life. One needs motivation, a purpose to live for. Or else, this birth that we've taken, is practically useless.

Okay, now enough philosophy to ponder over.
Just get up, and go, do it! :D

Aditi :)

P.S.: I know its been a long time, very long. :P

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