Sunday 17 February 2019

Superpowers we all (can) have

Romantic comedies are my favourite kind of movies, making me a romantic who believes in great love. They also just let me forget about whatever is happening in life, laugh, fantasize, and leave me with a wistful feel-good-feeling. Badly rated movies based around a competition where the amazing girl with a tragedy overcoming all odds wins has the same effect. The Oscar nominations  (replace with sophisticated artsy movies, the ones with deep intellectual meaning, and with which you are given the label of having great taste) are great every once in a while too. 

But when I watch action movies, I don't like them all that much. The reason I don't like them so much is because I will never get to be a superhero and save people from this beautiful world full of terrible people. I won't have fingers that can emit sticky material to swing across buildings, I may have a cape but will not be able to fly, and there is no chance that one of my parents is a Greek God or Goddess. (Thank God, I love my parents very much.)

None of us will ever be a superhero. But with all the thinking time I get while I'm sitting alone and trying to think about how to complete my final year project, I thought I'd be a little more productive and make up a list of superpowers that we all can have.

You have been warned though. These superpowers may not help you save someone, but definitely 'save yourself' from sticky situations and probably also be 'happier'.

Are you ready? Of course you are. *Silly me talking to myself.* Let's dive right in! Here are my top three.

If someone ever asks me which chemical I would like to be, my answer would be a noble gas. Because a noble gas does not react. A lot of times in our lives, we are in situations that affect us immensely. And in these situations, we tend to be in a heightened emotional state. When we are emotionally unstable, we tend to do something. And this doing something often is a reaction to the situation. How often have you reacted, and regretted saying something, or doing something, a few moments or days later? The skill of not acting on your emotions - of being able to stay back and do nothing, irrespective of how impulsive you are feeling is the first superpower in your toolkit. Practice taking a few counts, relaxing, and rationally taking decisions.

Now if the skill of inaction is the first one, the skill of communication is the second. Communication is so so so important, I cannot stress enough. It's important at the workplace, when you are interacting with your boss and colleagues. It's important in friendships and relationships where the lack of expression of how you feel could lead to misunderstandings, which could lead to its destruction. It's important with yourself, because if you do not know what you want to say, if you do not mean what you say, or if you do not know what you are feeling, no one will know that for you either.

The last superpower is an amalgam of three - Compassion, Emotion, and Letting Go. I think they are connected. If you feel emotion for people, you will try to understand them. The wanting to understand them stems from compassion. And the ability to let shit go and move on is a display of compassion to yourself. Emotion is important because it is what makes us human. Animals are driven by very basic needs like the need for food and a place to live. Human beings have the power to feel things. They can feel anger, greed, and tune their hate to sing revenge. But they can also feel kindness, be warm, and understand that there is more to life than those basic needs. They can cause global warming, but they can also undo it. They can kill people, but also treat people brushing with death. They can learn, they can think, they can create. And finally, they can let go. They can let go of the bad, and focus on the good to change the status of their life. All of this feels pretty incredible to me.

Had to fix the knee to make them equal. :)

*soft music in the background that signifies that the post is coming to an end*

Whew. That got a little intense. 

Meanwhile, I hope you guys have a super day, a super week, and a super year. Super being the keyword here. (*pun* sadly only computer science students will get it *pun*)

But really, go reach for these inside you and unleash them.

Much love,

PS: I finally have an Instagram so go ahead and type my handle letsgorandomco to follow me and stay updated. I'd love to know which superpower is your personal favourite in the comment box!!

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