Tuesday 16 July 2013


Being completely unprepared is feeling I get only once in a blue moon. I guess that blue moon was today. It's scary how lost and frightened you feel when you have no idea what to do. Before my test today, I was drowned in nervousness, my hands flipping through the pages of every book I could find. Formulas I knew suddenly became distant, easy questions seemed to be nerve racking and the outcome of the test suddenly became feared. Till today, I was never quite so unprepared for a test my whole life. Going through only five out of ten chapters isn't a feat I am proud of. But what can I say? I didn't have enough time.

Again, when the answer key came out, my hand began quivering whenever I saw a question I had attempted was wrong. Turns out I got only a bit more than one third of the total marks.

When you are unprepared, I guess everything seems to go wrong. You feel unsatisfied. The outcome becomes a mood kill.

Just like today.

But let's pray,
Never repeat that may.

Always follow the guide motto. It is to 'Be Prepared.'

Kanksha :)

Gosh. This whole thing sounds like a gigantic lecture. It even sounds a bit exaggerated, but hey! That's what I'm supposed to do! Play around with words and make boring stuff interesting :P Hmmm..what I was thinking is what people actually talk about on their blogs. I mean there are travel blogs, some of them are rants about fashion and others are well written essays and stories on a platter. On the other hand, a few people just voice their thoughts and opinions about what is going on in the world..and in their life.
I've always wondered why we find the lives of famous people interesting. From rockstars to billionaires, most people want to know what's cooking...why so?

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